... ) were getting charged a extra fee with their normal tuition by ... Colleges to charge the extra fee. I helped build a coalition ... charge undocumented students an extra fee.
@montaha.rizeq speaking of which, I know you responded to the post in my other threat about how to request fee waivers. what i wonder is do you know how law schools decide who to give and not to give fee waivers to?
@kirstinlynn.klein Yep :( You can withdraw up to the day before the test. You don't get a refund, but law schools you are applying to won't be able to see that you've postponed (correct me if I'm wrong, anyone!).
If you're aiming for a 160, withdraw from the September test. Start studying, PT when you're ready + BR those PTs. Then, when you've scored in the 160+ range a few times, register for the upcoming exam.
I've been getting between 155-160 and would like to be over 165 by December. I don't think it's realistic and I've accepted that more likely than not I'll have to withdraw from December and take it in June or next fall.
Actually LSAC says that you can Register for December after today's deadline if you have.a score from Sept - you can write a request to be refunded the late fee. The full details are in a post at the beginning of this thread:)