Should I keep moving forward in the games or ... time? First I just kept moving along, thinking I'll just ... them again beforemovingon? Or, keep moving but also go back to some... kind ...
Definitely me as I underwent treatment. The best thing you can do is take the time to relearn any areas you seem rusty in and of course review everything else beforemovingon. It might take more time but it's necessary to move ahead. You can do it.
Take your time with it. You have more time than you think. Don't rush through the curriculum. I did and I had to redo. Make sure you understand things beforemovingon because the concepts build on top of each other.
I was just going to post something similar. I am wondering if anyone has advice on skipping questions too. I am always too stubborn and want to answer beforemovingon, and I know it is hurting my score.
... have to slow down and master one lesson at a time before ... 100% sure about a lesson beforemovingon? Stop, repeat the lesson, and ... (which breaks down an approach to each question type, an explanation ... some more info on these notes, don't hesitate to message me!
... my biggest obstacle is learning to be OK with skipping. ... taking skills naturally predispose me to approach every question, in order ... give it my best go beforemovingon. My brain now understands that ... together, but I'd love to hear about others' experience and ...
... my biggest obstacle is learning to be OK with skipping. My ... -taking skills naturally predispose me to approach every question, in order ... beforemovingon.
Been there. You're not alone. Very happy to ... this is a perfect time to hash it out. I think ...
... would like to do more, but like many here on 7sage ... and then another 8 on the weekend for a ... year. If you want to take the test in September ... you are going to have to put in probably 3 ... and practice beforemovingon, and then once you get to your PTs ...
... I get stuck on a question and to keep each theorist ... brain and for me to connect it to other related ideas. ... contained in previous paragraphs, movingonto the rest of the passage ... confusion. Focus on understanding each idea/sentence before you move on.
... completing the curriculum—you have to actually learn it which will ... , and don’t move on until you feel you’ve ... things into your own words to see if you’ve ... it. As a rough guideline to what good curriculum study habits ... you’ve got more work to do beforemovingon.
... and said them out-loud to myself beforemovingon.
I also ... from my phone to get used to reading on an electronic device ... connecting the answer choices back to the passage; I would ... sounded decently right and move on. Hence, writing everything out ...
... recap all of it and summarize the main point before going onto ... the questions. By using this method, it's pretty easy to ... and how each paragraph relates to the others.
... recap all of it and summarize the main point before going onto the ... questions. By using this method, it's pretty easy to ... development
> P3. Influence on modern music
> P4 ... goes to show that the RC section is very dependent on the ...
... answered exactly what I wanted to know. Great advice b/c ... comfortable finding the answer and movingonto try to increase speed, but I ... the "exact paraphrase or read all" tip.
"How ... even get the same score all three times?" You're definitely ... or stagnate. You need time to learn from mistakes, process what ... . This gave me enough time to learn from mistakes, drill between ...
... search says it contributes to a quarter of all deaths in the ... " as the question stem asks. Movingonto (C) though, it says: to say that aspirin will treat or prevent all illnesses ... and some Pentagon official reports to a General that the latest ...
... key. I tried my hardest to force it and that only ... burnout that caused my scores to bomb. My best advice for ... you would be to slow it down, put more ... to make sure I'm 100% accurate and entirely understand something beforemovingon ...
Thanks ... . Make sure you understand beforemovingon. While I've read ... br />
* Force yourself to actually read and understand the ... /> have to force yourself to do it right the ...
Great advice from @"LOWERCASE EVERYTHING" . Make sure you're squeezing out all the learning you possibly can get from the PTs beforemovingon. Less is more when talking about PTs.
... very familiar with how to do these particular tasks ... is for you to be able to mentally fill out ... without having to stop and think about it. All of ... certainly scoring very similar to you for quite some ... where the answers are. Movingonto the questions won't ...
... is for you to be able to mentally fill out ... having to stop and think about it. All of ... where the answers are. Movingonto the questions won't ... forcing myself to be less reliant on writing notes. to misinterpret some information. My ...
... actually did not stick to the CC schedule provided ... section, no shame in moving faster than you expected through ... to be self-aware and ask yourself if you're movingonto move on ... or movingon because you are confident.
... section, no shame in moving faster than you expected ... to be self-aware and ask yourself if you're movingonto move on ... or movingon because you are confident.
> All ... not stick to the schedule and went on my own ...
... agree! I think it depends on what strategy works best for ... at finishing on time or have a tendency to linger on a question ... for a long time, trying to be accurate beforemovingon ...
You need to learn the core curriculum for each section then master them. Start off with LG, then RC, then move ontoLR. Only move onto the next section when you see yourself getting 75% correct on your current section.
... minutes beforemoving through the questions, where some might just be able to ... read it once quickly beforemovingon. Think it just depends on the ... much time it takes to absorb the passage before going into the ...
... game, and then I move onto the next one.
... 35 and say "I am movingonto the next game when the ... and say "I am movingon when the clock hits 25 ... is that I get through all 4 games in 20 ... "stuck" on a challenging game and not getting to the easier ...
... take the time to predict the flaw before looking at the ... but really for allLR), take the time to look at each ... this will allow you to see what you are ... . Once you are able to do this untimed, you ... predicting and eliminating wrong answers to see the right one. ...