The real flaw here is that a whole ... show that this kind of reasoning actually becomes completely nonsensical when ... valid form, and the conditional reasoning doesn't follow. So what ...
... on the gap in the reasoning. Depending on the question ... if it is a flaw question I might still some ... flaw questions or I might ... even google the specific flaw and find questions with ... the same kind of flaw and review them. ...
Same reasoning; different expression. Different reasoning requires close scrutiny; different ... recognizing the distinction between different reasoning and different expression, but as ...
... reasoning, what you through the stimulus said, what you thought the flaw ... , you know to reinforce this reasoning. If it’s wrong you ... evaluating and fixing your technique (reasoning approach).
... gaps in the argument, the flaw, much quicker and more ... was correct, check against your reasoning and reinforce your understanding reasoning and see what traps you ... is to evaluate arguments and reasoning skills are the key ...
... aware of the common flaw question types that you ... even memorizing the common flaw question types can help ... flaw i.e. Whole to Part/Part to whole, Bad causal reasoning ... to get these common flaw types in your minds ... credited answer for a flaw type question. You can ...
... ( sufficiency/ necessity confusion, circular reasoning ect) and also arguments which ... express answer choices from flaw questions very abstractly so ... understanding of what the flaw is and then also ... the second category of flaw questions which are questions ...
Thank you for all the answers - and yeah, I've been thinking the same too haha. I see so many of those choices as one of the answer choices but don't think I can recall seeing an actual stimulus where the correct flaw is circular reasoning.
I just found an example of circular reasoning being the correct description of a flaw in a section today. Check out PT36 Section 2 Q.10. Hope it helps!
... have to see the reasoning method, or the reasoningflaw, or the principle ... one that uses the same reasoning. Think ahead in each answer ... didn't.
For flaw questions, first think whether it ... , then whether it's the flaw.
... Yale premise into a causal flaw question, yes - it would likely ... in a stimulus where causal reasoning isn't the issue at ... " where there is no causal reasoning.
... .
> Flaw: reasoning is backwards… fuel prices falling ...
> Distractor flaw: fuel prices are the only ... />
> Nope, already not our flaw.
> ... This is the answer. Same flaw - R would be more ...