I only had 2 LR sections. One was the one you mentioned. The other one said something about a waste to energy plant. Unless of course this was the same one as the knee you mentioned lol
mimimimi, are you talking about the "leader" question where one person had to be leader, or a different one? I cleared my brain but I had two LGsections, I can't remember all the games...
I had two games sections. Is the real set that you guys are talking about the one with the office selection game i.e. XYWZ? I found both of my LGsections to be quite difficult.
... be looking to do 3 LGsections 4 days a week, mainly ... a lot of the new LGsections are diverging from the standard ... style of LG games from PT 50-68 ...
Did anyone take the test in London?? I hat two lgsections and did fairly well on the first one and not so hot on the second one! I can't figure out which one was the experimental!
can someone elaborate on what "via numbers" meant? i had two LGsections but for the life of me i cant remember which was which. don't say anything against the rules, just say generally what the prompt was? thanks!
Had 2LG. One section had France, Italy, Switzerland, and some "G". Also had horse racing and cabinets game (I think)? I'm assuming this section was experimental?
... . In September, I did 5 sections. Going along with what @bbutler ... , I would always redo old LGsections as my 5th section because ... I really struggled with LG. But when prepping for the ... time to do 5 full sections, so I did 4 and ...
... how you do on whole LGsections timed within your PTs. If ... RC. You should, however, tackle LG first because the learning process ... is different for LG. If you start PTing without ... . I also worked some LG timed sections from earlier tests to have ...
... if I take 6 new sections every other day and redo ... pick and spread out the sections matter all that much. I ... as you are consistently practicing 2-3 sections a day (maybe more ... just doing the same 5 sections over and over, you'll ...