@ddakjiking apparently someone has got their score judging from @Sapphire 's comment... though I guess if that is the case we should be hearing a lot more news about this real soon.
@E.CH.Poon @emli1000 Thanks for the suggestion! The dashboard now shows recent Questions - that is any comment with a "?" in it. Also redid the display of comments in the dashboard so it should be more usable now.
@"Nilesh S" How did you comment faster than me? You're like a wizard...
@shine.on.me It's a good point that a higher score in Dec. is better than a lower score in Oct... Definitely something to think about when considering your test date.
It's factored into PT time but not for the lessons. I agree with the above comment to take as much time as you need. Also re-do problems and lessons you don't understand. It'll take more time than the schedule suggests but will benefit you in the long run.
@nilesh S thank you for your comment. I agree, I just feel like if I have the right LSAT numbers I should be okay. I suppose personal statement wise , I could just ask classmates or coworkers to look at it . :)