I am so mad I wasnt paying attention and missed the 72 sale... @J.Y. Ping you know you want to have a fire sale of some of the newer tests! :) Or how about as 12 hour sour that only gets posted in the forum to reward those that check in every day :)
@jdawg13 thanks for the heads up! We rolled out a major update to the discussion forum earlier today, and that's probably why it stopped working for a little while for you. If it keeps happening or you notice something else strange, please let us know!
@devin.balut Thanks!
@royaimani There is a really rudimentary hashtag system right now, if you #tag, it produces a link that searches the forum for "#tag". I hope that helps!
dude, rules changed... this isnt allowed anymore (not that I care, just giving you a heads up)
@jdawg113 maybe after someone emails him he'll hit them with his prices lol because I do recall Dillon saying not to post about what service you can provide those in the forum since you'll be charging for it.
@jdawg113 should definitely get mentor title. He is like 7sage FBI surveillance on this forum.... he even knows when you edited something...that's how active he is lol