... like me, I find it a pain in the butt to ... merge them all into one document! I find it especially helpful ... way to store them in a folder so you can easily ...
... have tips for keeping mentally alert throughout the exam?
< ... daydream as a signal for a mental break - so take a few seconds ... catch myself daydreaming, look ahead a few pages to remind myself ...
So maybe a decent priority of focus would ... />
2) Structure
3) Opinions/Positions
4) Examples
5 ...
Also, when I look at a passage after reading and marking ...
... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ivGS3XS6FSydAmNLouyewDIO9f_LmPHVEbofnuHZHJw/edit?usp= ... has multiple triggers in a given stimulus. Seeing what ... understanding of not just a specific question but question ... hone our logical reasoning as a whole.
... I seem to become mentally alert quickly and other times it ... as when I am very alert I do extremely well (missing ... zero questions) and a lot worse when I am ... and maybe this is just a speed issue....I am not ...
... and/or there's been a similar post in the past ... own (mostly because I am a smug, overconfident flake and I ... answers, I insert the site URL directly.* http://7sage.com/lsat_explanations ... questions wrong, I crawl into a corner and cry I rehash ...
... Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wNxrEU0-YfiID5upvTUlAOo8J-MvXfM2K7mvUkcD1xc/ a white board app (links provided ... it's literally never been a problem). We meet on ... hardcore.
... a few 2" 3-ring binders and filled them with document ... game in adocument protector and put a sticky note ... unless you just misread a question or something ... the back of the document protector it came from ... Tomorrow, 4th - In a week (either a week from attempts 1 ...
... on are:
1. Being alert and prepared mentally around 12 ... working, studying, or even enjoying a day off. For me, this ... requires getting good sleep, eating a good breakfast, and getting adequate ...
... tried to find out why A was wrong, but I ... why. :(
Why A can't be an answer ... />
So I think A also eliminates a possible alternative explanation for ... why there's a reduction in the number ...
Can anyone explain why A is wrong and E is ...
... I noticed that there is a problem in assuming that atmospheric ... . But can this undermine the government official's dismiss on the ... catch the argument of the government officials? Is the argument of ...
... , those that talk about government structure, public opinion of ... political questions to be a huge time sink for ... of these questions to be a write-off, however, ... if possible, or add a little padding room to account ... test in Oct contains a larger number of these ...
On a morning so close to test day with a PT to take and BR to follow, this is what I say to myself: "I'm alive, alert, awake, joyous and enthusiastic about life! I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm to do that which is mine to do today!" GiddyUp!
Country X should institute a nationwide system of air/ground ... lives (this seems like a pretty good reason). The ... on these earnings would increase government revenues.
What ... . Why must there be a net increase in employment? ...
receive a news alert for the millionth tree being planted in NY, and the first thing you think is, "but no... deforestation to plant more trees can release more carbon dioxide in the short term..."
... as difficult to find articling positions in Canada (Western claims ... there’s a good chance that you’ll find articling positions upon ...
McGill – This is a bit of a strange case, because McGill ... with a 4.0 GPA in a relatively simple undergrad, but then a ...