... because it makes you alert - significantly more alert than before you shower ... that shower to be more alert. This is even after a ... morning will help make you alert.
Especially during Covid ... try. You’ll feel more alert. My students who try it ...
Could someone explain what I’m not seeing here? While I get why C is right, A is supported as well. The video explanation just ruled it out without offering an explanation.
The question is about what the author will be more like to agree ...
... those that companies believe will sell well enough to be profitable ...
1. Believe will sell well enough to be profitable ... to CD ---> believe will sell well enough ]
2. ... CD ----> believe it will sell well enough to be profitable ...
Which schools require 12 pt fonts for personal statements? In my manual search, I haven't seen any so far. All seem to be okay with 11-pt font (Times New Roman).