I was just wondering if anyonehad some predictions about this. I think the PowerScore podcast mentioned that the two might be flex, but I still wanted to see what other people thought. I hope the two tests are flex, but I'm not sure at the moment...
Hey all, hasanyone used any grammar books (or course/class) that you found helpful for LR and RC? I did the CC grammar section and figured that I needed to study more.
Hasanyone applied early decision to their first choice law school and received an email from the dean of admission? I'm wondering if this is a good sign. If anyonehas an experience like this please please let me know.
Hasanyone purchased the 7Sage Admissions Course? Is it worth the sticker price? We're down to one income due to Covid-19 and $3K for me right now might as well be $50k lol but if it's worth the fee, I will try to find a way to pay it.
Hasanyone recently also been unable to open up the PDF for problem sets after downloading (either problem sets on the syllabus or self-created ones)? I don't know where the problem lies...
Hi! I’m taking the LSAT flex tomorrow on my monitor that has a built in webcam at the bottom, so when I’m looking at the screen it looks like I’m looking up a bit. Hasanyone done this before/run into problems with it? Do you think it’ll be fine?
... the 80s. I guess it has to do with the way ... the language has changed and the amount of ... difference of 173 v 164. Hasanyone been able to overcome this ...
I'm an AF veteran wondering how my Community College of the AF credits will be integrated into my UGPA by LSAC. Hasanyone already been through the conversion? Thanks!