Hasanyonehad success getting a test limit exemption approved by LSAC, currently in this situation and looking to see if anyonehas advice for me. Any help would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you.
... my only photo ID that has my married name on it ... military ID that has my legal name, so I had to submit ... a picture of my license for writing-- which has ... because of this small discrepancy. Hasanyonehad a similar situation? What should ...
So just a hypothetical here, assuming your score is so high in comparison to your last score (wishful thinking) that it needs to be investigated... would your score be withheld? Hasanyonehad this happen to them?
Hey, hasanyonehad an experience with a FAFSA restriction at a school because of having reached their course credit limit? Is this common at schools? This isn't necessarily a law school question; it's more about undergrad and higher ed, just for planning.