... and I wanna know how some of you are going about dealing ... the potential distributions? Or better, how do you know when finding ... which I agree with but how consistent are you supposed to be ...
What does it mean when your doing a problem set and it has priority ( very low, low high and very high)? Is this the matter of howimportant it is on the LSAT?
So I just took the LSAT writing portion of the test and though I did show my scratch paper in the full room scan, I forgot to show both sides of the paper. Do you think they'll reprimand me for this?
... 're already seeing how things are changing as time goes ... also seeing how more and more LSATs are being ... format. Given this, are there any changes we need ... , because if they are cutting 2 sections of ... the burden as there are less LR (Strengthening/Weakening ...
... is basically saying that we are unlikely to assemble a ... way the questions are phrased by the judges are problematic
... jury duty
There are those who overestimate their ignorance ... daunting task
Howare you feeling? Howare you doing? How is your heart? How is your mind? How ... is your body? How is your ... soul? How is your ... />
Would to hear how you are caring for your being today ...
I did the score predictor from Khan Academy and was able to get an estimate of my starting score (in the 140s :( ). I did not do a full diagnostic exam yet. Is it absolutely vital to do a full diagnostic exam?
... one _should not_ dismiss the argument _by pointing out_ the arguer ... descriptive and prescriptive; how come these two argument patterns can be seen ...