
Word Docs Hits
how 37.9K 52.5K
long 10.6K 12.4K
does 16.1K 19.3K
it 111.7K 268.5K
usually 7.1K 8.5K
take 32.4K 46.1K
one 38.7K 56.5K
to 153.2K 563.9K
close 3.6K 4K
the 164.7K 769.3K
gap 1.9K 2.6K
between 9.6K 11.4K
their 14.3K 19.7K
timed 7.3K 10.5K
pt 22K 36.6K
s 69.2K 125.2K
and 133.6K 410K
br 11.6K 22K

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