... big thing I had toget over for RC was second- ... harder passages -- you have to trust that the section ... think I tried to limit myself to 8ish minutes per ... out, leading to a lot of mistakes. For practice, it ... might help to just set ...
Is there a stipulation forhowmany times you can ask for a coupon? Pandemic has been rough on my motivation so I did this in July. I am feeling really good but not good enough for August. Let me know if anyone has insight.
I ... fatigue - I personally try toget outside for at least 45-60 minutes ... is what I keep saying to myself. So sick of living ... good thing that's coming to you - Manifest!
@"Law and Yoda" thank you so much for sharing! I am going to try that method. Prob wont help me with nov exam (yikes) but hopefully will be able toget better for January!!
Another suggestion to try: warm up before you take a section by doing 2-5 "easy" questionstoget in the zone and avoid wasting time "warming up" on the first few questions of an actual section
... and doing the same. For me, as much as ... like to quit my job and study full-time for the ... m finishing toget promoted for work and I'm going to give ... 2 years to try toget a decent LSAT score and get into ... a decent law school. I think it's important to ...
Jessica, fortunate to have 31 years under ... . So I am trying toget into a part time program ... will educate me enough toget 170+ for a decent scholarship somewhere ... in the public sector for a few years now ... always regret not trying to go to law school. I wish ...
The same thing happened to me. Don't give up, you have already put in the work and you obviously know everything you need toget a high 160 score. You can do this!
Thank you so much @hills1111 . Do we need to take the entire 10 minutes intermission or we can resume toget ready for the next section before the entire intermission is over?
... to take the entire 10 minutes intermission or we can resume toget ... ready for the next section before ... up, but you still have to wait the full 10 mins.
... this year is different due tohow crazy things were last cycle ... out too many acceptances that they had to ask students to defer. how many applicants to expect. I've seen ... say they aren't going to start sending out decision until ...