@Micaela is correct. As with the ... in the analytics, everything is based off of the results ... video that a game is easy or difficult and ... as a contributing factor in how 7Sagers would be performing ... how that reflects in the analytics. I think because LG is7Sage ...
I can't get over how helpful the 7sage community is. Thank you all for putting on these webinars. Nicole, you changed reading comp for me on the pt 43 call yesterday. Thank you all so much!
... way, I don't see how D is a SA. More like ... the case, and there is a similar number of meteor strikes all ... the number of meteor strikes issimilar from one region to another ... , you would expect a similar number of craters (I'm ...
... how "lawgic" is generally taught on the LSAT (not just specific to 7sage ... outside of the conditional -- that is to say, the "main" ... the former, wide-scope negation, is what 7sage calls "group 4"? is. If you're interested, ...
... whole "when the characteristic is not transitive in that ... problematic.
It is absolutely true that sometimes, your ... being that definitive, how hard is it really to disprove ... strategies versus getting actively better at the material, and how they ...
... might need to experiment with how to create a notation system ... to things in the middle is always harder for her than ... . I'm not sure howsimilar her situation is to your learning needs ... your analysis here - the LSAT is rewarding precision with both language ...
... very elegantly shown that "many" is not equal to "some". < ... the existential component of both is the only one that ... case). Likely because the difference is context driven, and the LSAT ... many" to "many" (see howsimilar this is to negating "none" to "some ...
... until December, but am curious how much that late application might ... ready. I always think this is great advice, but especially because ... this is your 3rd take. You know ... receive the score your application is ready to be forwarded ...
... HIGHLY recommend Powerscore and the 7sage curriculum.
@melloish ... continuing to work through the 7sage curriculum, maybe try this: ... weary of this! This ishow progress is made. Don't rush ... why the correct answer is correct and why wrong answers ...
... />
I don't understand how "E" is the correct answer. Best team ... keep in mind is that the overall argument is about the likelihood ... chemistry? What if the league is fierce with competition and the ... not.
... really don't know how to answer how anyone is qualified for that ... selection process is that if 7Sage administrators see that someone is giving advice ... />
If you're not aware how your comment may have come ...
... try the 7sage starter at least. It is soooo incredible ... what he thinks and how he approaches a question ... the question properly is by seeing how someone else ... just that, but how it is supposed to be analyzed ... addition, he clearly explains how you get from point ...
... am wondering, how many PTS a week is ideal? How many is too many ... ,
So how many PTs a week is really one of ... amount to start off with is 1 test a week with ... a second one. But it is really important to remember that ...
This is7Sage's fool proof method to ... your conditional logic language and how to diagram the different ... recommend getting at least a 7Sage starter course. I've ... from Powerscore to Manhattan, and 7Sageis objectively superior for LG. ...
Hi Please tag me! This will be my first time joining a blind review group, so I am not familiar with how it is supposed to work. Is it necessary to purchase the 7sage course packages?
@Thoughtful said:
arguing that it reinforces their skills.
It not only reinforces skills, it also exposes concepts that you didn't completely understand for the first time. If you missed the same question twice it shows you ...
... for cost benefit analyses. How important is physical exercise in your prep ... As you say, working out is a mental release.
< ... situation is truly a difficult one. What are your goals? How close ... sessions. I am sure that is not recommended, but every person ...
... you don’t know what is going on, I wouldn’ ... drill your weaknesses. This is another opportunity to figure out ... you can improve on and how you can get better. ... again. I think BR is going to be the key ... You will start to see howsimilar other questions are to each ...
... drill your weaknesses. This is another opportunity to figure ... can improve on and how you can get better. ... again. I think BR is going to be the ... will start to see howsimilar other questions are to ... not rushed or minimized) is quite possibly the most important ...
... questions:
1. How big is the screen size? Would ... all.**
3. How responsive is the tablet?
** ... it):
1. How big was the stylus? similar to selecting things in ... draw on the screen similar to using an iPad ...