... question type lesson on 7Sage like "Strengthening" or "Necessary Assumption", you drill ... the relevant Cambridge Packet. I would leave a few days todrill ... each question type to get the most out ...
... need to read the question stem in order to figure out howto approach the question ... . Your task for an assumption question ... when compared to ...
I'm planning to watch most of the lessons ... some questions. My goal is to eliminate those pauses that result ... being absolutely sure of howto approach each question. With mastery comes speed ... more than once will lead to a more solid understanding.
Agree with @"Dr. Yamata" You learn howto identify the question type quickly by doing a bunch of them in bundles. You can see how many different ways "must be true, most strongly supported, Ect." are asked.
... at it) would be to not drill 25 questions of the same ... . Sure it's good todrill a question type that you're struggling ... 't think a timed 25 question section of them is the ... your skills to adjust to different modes of thinking across every question type ...
Read the flaw section in the trainer! It helped me out a lot! I used to hate flaw questiontypes. Now they're my favorite! Also, when you BR your PT go back to the course and review any lessons in LR that you may have difficulties with.
... was that with @c.janson35? How did you find the tutoring ... give me an idea of how the tutoring sessions work ... you over Skype on howto better solve those types of questions? Thanks ...
Do you have the Cambridge PDFs? I used those todrill by question type/difficulty after finishing the "curriculum" (came to 7Sage a bit later into my process and didn't follow 7Sage's curriculum to the tee) and it seemed to help.
... as the reading goes, listen to @BruiserWoods .
As far ... , you really do not want to take a test a day ... them. If you really want to burn on all cylinders between ... them. Use any remaining time todrillRC.
... each section and question type. The key to all of ... start to build your analytics to see which questiontypes you need to focus ... more on. You can probably already see which questiontypes ... are giving you issues. This is when you return to ...
Are you capable of identifying context, premises, and conclusion of an argument? If you work on improving that, I'm sure it will become easier for you to do those questiontypes, as they seem to be easier than other types of LR questions (for me, anyway).
... video explaining how he processed the question and I ... their different perspectives to understand a question, but that advice ... few sites to find additional info about howto understand a question - ... br />
When you understand a question - move on as @montaha. ...
Yeah, I'd agree with that. Any time you provide an unstated necessary assumption, you are strengthening the argument. This is a great example of how essentially interrelated the questiontypes really are.