@aimhigher said:
Would it be better to wait for the next cycle (take the June 2017 LSAT, apply in the fall of 2017?) I would have already graduated by then, and would probably need to find a job or internship that is willing to take me for only a ...
@nessa.k13.0 said:
I wrote out a page --a love letter so to speak---for this question in an attempt to give myself the best chance of never making the same mistakes that I did on this question again.
@"J.Y. Ping" said:
Saturday will be just another PT day and the September 2016 LSAT will be just another PT. PrepTest 79, in fact, when the LSAC releases it a month from now. And how different could that be from PT 78 and PT 77 and PT 76 and on and ...
@Euthyphro said:
Hi guys, I am having a lot of difficulty with tough conditional logic questions. When it comes to translating these from english to lawgic I just mess everything up. What can I do??
@esteerose said:
"traffic violations and parking tickets".
Are you sure they are asking about parking tickets? Usually they use language that excludes parking tickets and it focuses on any moving violations (and beyond). ...
@"Jonathan Wang" said:
But at about 4pm on June 8, 2015, the test will be nothing more than PrepTest 75 - just a number like all of its brothers before it, a tool for September 2015 takers to use as practice. Heck, for those of us who work with the ...
@"Artak Mamikonyan" said:
so I'm most likely postponing to December. Just wondering if I go over past tests, drill LG and BR, it should be a realistic goal to get to 165 average by December, right?
@cbennett13 said:
Would me canceling and applying within the next few weeks to my dream law school with my163 (Fordham their range is 161-165) be preferable, or should I at least try for a higher score? I would love to be a little higher in their ...
@strasvery said:
So this may be a weird question, but do you cook? or buy?
Grubhub (Seamless) (almost) every night of my life. I hate cooking and think it is a complete waste of time and energy. I live in a big city and the ...
@karina.shaw said:
Rosenberg cannot evaluate any introductory textbook until Juarez has evaluated that textbook? I would have guessed it would have been "until" so group three, so you negate sufficient so it would be R (intro book)--> J (intro ...