Ijustgot an email that my Writing was approved - so fast! Woohoo. I never expected that to process so quickly. I was worried when I took it later Tuesday that I was pushing my luck. Hope everyone else's is processing smoothly and/or already approved.
I’m wondering the same. Ijustgot an email from WashU law which I’ve never received before. Their LSAT median is a 169 and my first score would not be enough. I really hope this means I did well on the Jan flex 😭😭
Hi. I would love to join your study group. I prepped for the LSAT last year and was scoring in the 140 -150 range. Ijustgot a 7Sage Course Subscription now and want to jump back into prep to apply this cycle. Would love to study with others!
same here, my PTs were attending 170+ but I really do not know why in real test Ijustgot 158. Ijust do not know why, feel lost. Anyone has any advice? thanks in advance.
... for your help & suggestions. Ijustgot done with their tech support ... and they told me I should use another laptop. That ... some newer laptops. I'm at a loss, I'm so frustrated ... . I can't be the ...
... in a lot of respects! Ijustgot my first score back and ... in the same range. Luckily, I have a free score preview ... taking August and October haha. I really don't think that ...
Ijustgot my best PT score after leaving the hospital Thursday. Maybe I need ... />
In all seriousness, I’ve done mostly everything I can do within ... everything else in my life. I feel good. If you’ve ...
... to Read Ideas Instead of Just Words" Ijustgot the book, and the ... and comprehension a ton. I wish I would have gotten them when ... I started studying lol. This Reddit ...
... is released. That is just the way it is. ... like an eternity. But just understand it is done and ... weekend trip or something. Ijustgot home from Boston and if ... in how you performed and got through the test, then ... won't be right and just makes your anxiety worse. ...
... a similar position. Ijustgot a tutor and I believe she is ... the habit of meditation. I know it doesn't sound ... to manage that has I believe put me in ... freezing up.
I think where my tutor helps ... guess them, so yeah I would recommend it. Plus ...
... a similar position. Ijustgot a tutor and I believe she is helping ... up.
> I think where my tutor helps ... second guess them, so yeah I would recommend it. Plus a ... />
Thanks for your reply! I have actually started meditation! And ...
Congrats! What resources did you use please? Ijustgot a 159 on the June LSAT and have also been studying for over a year. I have a month and a half to prepare for August and I am aiming for a 163.
... a similar position. Ijustgot a tutor and I believe she is helping ... />
> >
> > I think where my tutor helps ... second guess them, so yeah I would recommend it. Plus a ... />
> Thanks for your reply! I have actually started meditation! And ...
I started with a 143 too! ... really that constant or strong. I think it helps to do ... of untimed question practice. Plus, I always write out the reason ... why I'm NOT choosing an answer ...
... br />
I understand your plight. Ijustgot off work (0400-0000). I'm tired ... with a major headache. I ... course schedule other days I can only review the ... skills).
You have got this and will have success.
Ijustgot diagnosed and did my first two tests without accomodations, people who say it's an "unfair advantage", i literally went up 3 points with the accomodations. lol.
... with me your experiences! I’m a new comer for ... explanatory videos of PTs? Igot like 80% or more ... GRADES THIS TIME. And ijustgot slapped in my face 🙂< ... br />
I get your point in approaching ... its a 12mark fluctuation… I want to get it stablized ...
Do you mind sharing what your other scores were on your tests? Ijustgot a 161 on my first LSAT even though my average was 5 points higher. I was wondering if it would be possible to improve to a 165 by october/november
I'd have to second everyone saying the Powerscore bibles! They helped me quite a bit. Also, if you wanted the 2020 one, amazon has them all; Ijustgot it as an ebook so I could start using them right away!
@ledkarly Ijustgot through to them 2 minutes ago. LSAC said I could reschedule for October 21 or register for November. I chose the October 21st date and was told I should get an email regarding time scheduling for the date Monday afternoon.