... used ctrl-f during the test? Somewhere else I read that ... that was back in August and I'm worried that in ... if it is allowed to have my phone in the room, and the ... ethernet without an adapter, andmy modem is nowhere near the room I ...
... used ctrl-f during the test? Somewhere else I read ... was back in August and I'm worried that ... it is allowed to have my phone in the room, and the ... ethernet without an adapter, andmy modem is nowhere near the room ... they'll disable it, and if it works you can ...
... are many articles and posts about the test shifts in recent ... before the real test. They're particularly challenging and the questions ... at the moment. Mytestis in ONE WEEK and I feel like I ... people were getting too good and started increasing the difficulty ...
... at the moment. Mytestis in ONE WEEK and I feel like I ... tested) is a good thing to experience prior to the test. ... before any of my previous attempts at the actual test... it definitely ... which is turnover of people who compose the content of the testand ...
... s too much sometimes andmytest anxiety severely cripples my thought processes. So ... it is by no means my best section, but it is generally ... helped was actually slowing down and spending more time reading ... here and there where RC will be my worst so take my ...
... study for the LSAT andmy goal is to obtain a ... practice test). I've been through alot of ups and ... studying for the LSAT and I've probably wasted ... progress which is nice.
Take my suggestions as ... you the most problems and then create custom problem ...
... I just started taking pts and doing blind reviews. It took ... me 5 days to solve and complete blind review pt1. but ... doing lsat full tjme. Andmy goal is to take the october tesr ... or tutoring
20% Practice Test; combine with social study if ...
... manage a team of people, andmy boss is an elected official, so ... touch. My study time is separate from everything else in my life and it ... -4 hours every morning, andmy assistant is aware that he must be ... . As I get closer to mytest date, I might need to ...
... have taken two LSAT flexes andmy fear is that I will get ... additional experimental section. Therefore, it is better for me to take ... you want to simulate the test score-wise, take the 3 ...
I normally don ... do is finish the LG if I had a bad testand wasn ... 't able to, and then i'll ... finish the section and missing like 12) andmy goal is to get -0 ...
... (the subjective question types) and then practicing some drill-set ... the strengthen and weakening questions really sped up my 'flaw spotting ... occur in the test on Sunday. Good luck! Mytestis also on ... me to identify the conclusion and break down the stimulus. ...
... for about a day) and although I did want Tuesday ... live in Anchorage.... soo mytestis at 3:20a AKDT. ... it weigh on you! and focus on what you ... can control like resting and hydrating and looking through your ... already crushed it - congrats and thanks for all the ...
Hi, I live in Cathedral heights DC and am retaking the test in August. Would love to be part of the study group as I got a 159 in June andmy goal is a 163 in August. I also work 9-5 and can do mornings or evenings.
... Since, I've readjusted my expectations and I'm hoping that I ... are all high achievers, and this testis meant to be a rigorous ... way of thinking!
My two actionable tips are 1 ... between finishing the CC and taking my next PT andmy score jumped by ...
... before, at its core this testis designed to expose your weaknesses ... I do, and this testis a stark wake-up call. My boyfriend had ... at 5:45am, make my coffee and allow myself to wake up ... of the test!
... signed up for the November test @Iron-Han ! I am in ... , got a 171 in Oct test, which was a bit below ... of some top schools (andmy GPA is below 25 percentile of all ... ;, and I am debating if to write the Jan test. Any advice is ...
... everyone! rlly appreciate the tips and help. I'll definitely do ... some light practice and nothing further- Would it be ... tests on Wednesday? (Mytestis on Friday) LMK and thanks everyone! I love ...
... I was aiming for. And these past two weeks they ... something to do with nervousness and burn out, but at ... days, or just lay low until mytest day on Friday. I ... was scheduled to test in ... due to technical difficulties on test day.. It's kind ...
I'm also planning on taking it June 2022! I'm still getting low 160s andmy goal is 170+ so any advice on how to get better? How many tests do you do a week?
Hello! I would be interested in studying with you. I recently started studying for the June/August test, andmy average is in the mid 160s. Looking to hit 175+. I’m in CST.
I am having the same problem, LSAC prep plus isn't showing up, And I need access to the material ASAP because my exam issoon, please guide me on how to resolve this
... test again and start the cycle over. If I ran bloodwork andmy LDL and ... A1C is off the charts andmy doctor is like ... next day to testmy levels again and expect to not ... I can test myself.
Please count me in! I am currently scoring around 165, andmy score is stagnant at this point. I would love to share tips and novel approaches with others!
... like it's my opponent andmy goal is to beat it. ... Doing this helps me view the test ... almost like a sport and it keeps ... . Focusing on a test for a few hours ... questions (because the stimulus is too complicated), I' ...
... exact problem. Mytestis also in a couple weeks and I am ... review (after blind review is mid 160s). I have ... to chat/discuss strategies and maybe team up by ... doing the same passages and comparing our answers/why ... we did? If yes, my number is 831-238-6767! :)
... like “on line _” andis shifting to more abstract, closer ... opinions, implications, and inferences. Again, more practice is NEVER worse but ... mytestis coming up on the 15th I switch to preptest 80 and ... sense of what a modern testis … and was shocked at how ...