Gotcha. I finally graduated in Dec and got back into this just about 1month now, so It's more than enough for me to work on at this point anyways. Thanks Dillon.
... that there is a 3-month limit, I probably would have ... later. I probably already wasted 1month. Is there any way of ... extension or this 3-month limit won't apply to ...
... section of games after 1 day, 1 week, and 1month. For each cycle ... each game. If on my 1month I get it on my ... few things in common: 1) They were dedicated and spent ... got here with doing Steps 1-5
Hey, good on you! I'm pretty sure I already said this, but in case I'm mistaken, email me ( once you upgrade and I'll add on the extra months since upgrading from a lower course only gives you +1month per upgrade level.
Thank you all for your sweet comments. I took my June LSAT after 1month intense preparation of LG and LR bible. Got a 167. Then I changed my strategy and start to use 7sage for my score trend. Took me two and half months doing PT and here I am.