... of my ability. I justify it by looking at my September ... I could handle a T-14 and their work load. I just ... that a 163 is not a score to laugh at, a 163 coupled with a 2 ... after the Marine Corps) I feel there is nothing I can do to ...
... suggestions for how to take a video of a practice section/PT on the ... with the video cutting out after 1-5 minutes or with ... quality of the video which is sub-par.
... diagnostic of 162 after not studying for a few months... sigh) ... here's my predicament. I work full-time and share responsibility ... ll only have a little over a month toPT. Prior to taking the September ... into the Peace Corps! Which is very exciting! But also ...
... population that I want to serve". The large majority ... cannot say "I want to help out under-served ... people want to be lawyers just to be able to help the ... his job at length. It sounds exactly like what I ... which feeling a call to service is seen as a less than ...
... always so pleased to be a part of such a supportive community called ... question here: I cannot find PTA, B, C and Feb '97 ... PT released from the past. Is there a specific reason as to why these PT ...
... at least so itis NOT awaste of time as it can only help ... I was helpless after quickly moving from 150s to 160s. I would ... if the other is the oldest. That is going to HURT you. Hurt ... . Forgot to label a conclusion? Probably why you got it wrong or it cost ...
It seems that some students, including ... I just realized is not a good strategy. I tend to get them ... . I am wondering how long it typically takes students scoring 165 ... and higher to answer these questions? Also, ...
... I am improving. But is there a takeaway to be made if my ... think it means that under pressured time constraints, I seem to perform ... lower than my potential. Is there anything else ... this get solved with more PT and more time? Thanks!
Hello - Is there a way to download the analytics you get after you score aPT? I would love to have an Excel spreadsheet with all that data so I can sort it on my own to see what I can focus on, etc.
My law school orientation is scheduled for next week. However, I had a family emergency last night and don't know if I will be able to make it. For those that have gone to theirs, isit really mandatory and/or important to attend?
... . Isita disadvantage for applying to law schools and getting a job after graduation ... ?
Does discrimination againts it ... and co-workers?
and isit more harsh in certain states ...
... to go to an open house for a school that I already applied to ... the PT during the week but the longer I delay it the ... less time I have to review it. Yet, if I go to ... the admissions committee and put a face to the name. Still I ...
... , isit more important to apply to schools in the area that I want towork ... location). For example, isit better for me to go toa school ranked in ... the 20's in the midwest, or a ...
... it can take up toa year to go from 140s to 160s. But isit normal to ... not show any improvement in Logical Reasoning sections after ... to 12 questions but after that I am a mess.
Timing is ... I have the foundation to get 160 -165 ...
... 7sagers: Isit important to include all work experience, such as a summer sales ... mean I would need to include it on my resume. I ... also want to add that ... old. Therefore I think it would be weird if I ... and I don't want itto be any longer. Any ...
Isit the time of year to be asking this, or ... I visited a school I am applying to this past week ... ---went on a tour, observed a class ... . I consider this school a safety. I applied in ... app needed something. Also, a lot of people who are ...
... , which isa lifesaver.
BR score actually went up after only doing ... not changing from right to wrong, and it takes me half the ... time I used to spend on ... before grading, and want to record it separately from my 1st BR ...
... but it's really hard when it happens to you ... score data from PT 70 to 81, PT 72 and 75 ... and consider those two to be outliers but with ... PT 74 and PT 75 but going down that much of a score is ... a small break? I really dislike myself for being vulnerable toPT ...
... I commit toa 7sage package.
My cold PT was a 149 and ... I’m really looking to push myself toa ... originally wanted to take October but a nondiscolsed test for me isa no ... go. Also I’ve read that it’s ok to take a ...
... try out a few things to see what might work for me ... toit or the game I skipped and returned to
- RC isa ... weakness--even after returning to the entire ... but seriously seeking advice because PT scores are making me sad ...
... Ultimate course and decided to do aPT yesterday because I was ... so the score is the same. It was for Prep ... Test #36 which is the first ... so I feel like it's a huge improvement! Granted ... this is such a huge confidence boost, so I wanted to ...