... decently well the first time (around 80th percentile) and the exact ... I've applied to, my lsat score was around their 25th-50th ... percentile. I've asked these scores to ... should I do? First, isit smart to cancel my score? Or should ...
... severity of injuries. Itis easy to eliminate E on the ... br />
One clear way to eliminate B isto realize that B does ... disease/injury occurred effectively, isit sufficient to ONLY focus on the ... what is meant by effective prevention? Does it have itto be ...
quick question, isit correct to say, when there are only ... (like an in-out game), to translate "a and b cannot ... the same day (or whatever it may be)", then you use ... or possibilities, than you translate it as "not equal"
... are allowed to see our score before deciding to cancel it. I was ... if worst comes to worst, as my REAL need is scholarships. I ... am under a contractual obligation to take ... plan on retaking in November? Isit okay to have, say a 150 ...
... wrote it once already and got a 152. My plan isto write ... the test a couple more times to see what ... even remember me), etc. is going to take another year or so ... a total loser? Isit normal to take two years to get a decent ...
... a month now, with somewhere around 25 hours a week. I ... diagnostic and got -28, which is a 156. Granted, this isnt ... />
Being brutally honest, isit possible to get to a 170 by the ... />
What is a good study plan? I was planning to just do ...
... getting bumped off the waitlist to my desired school the second ... time I'm writing it. Since I am overall free ... for my fourth time. Isit best to use ULTIMATE or should I ...
... 23 questions. My score is usually between 14-19 ... My goal is I want to be able to get through all ... sure how to do so is:
1) How toskip a question ... you decide when toskip question? Was it based on the ... you think the language is? I know there are ...
Has anyone applied to law school while still completing ... undergrad? I plan on applying to law school in Canada for ... few months prior to the start year. Isit possible to get a conditional ...
... reallyyy don't want to have to post pone it. My actual timed ... Blind Review score is consistently above 165 which is what I am ... advice on how to tailor my study schedule to improve on ... some help there. Also, isit reaosnable to expect to improve this much within ...
Is there way to edit answers after you graded test on analytics? I Didnt fully finish Br and accidentally graded the test. I want to update my BR changed AC’s.
... LSAT's I decided to commit to 7Sage curriculum. I feel like I ... 100% about. Taking my time to BR. And then watching the ... entirely sure why it was right. My BR is usually low 160s ... its not translating to my time scores. Isit normal to not see improvement ...
... cycle, or isit irrelevant to schools as long as it's within the ... right now according to 7 sage are 63%. Is that too low ... to use my ED on ... percentage, when it's too low of a chance to use my ...
... The latest exam I had around a 158. But with ... , I have been unable to concentrate or focus. I ... />
So, my question is: do you guys think I ... me to explain my current situation or isit best to delay ... when I was actually able to improve.
... br />
I was on track to take the November LSAT, but ... I decided to push back to January and strictly ... 150s and still need to close that gap between ... how many PT's isit recommended to take until you actually ... />
I know it all depends on the person ...
Should I be foolproofing the games that are part of the corecurriculum or should I only start foolproofing games when I finish the cc and start drilling and taking practice tests?
... it's available, how should I interpret this target time?: Isit ... similar to games where, if I want ... then I ought to target for time? Isit the average amount ...
Hello guys please when solving an LR problem isit okay to ignore the context and read the argument only to be a little fast, since we just need premise and conclusion.
Thank you
... coupon? Isit going to be visible in my account? Or isit something that ... scanned my account and there is no coupon visible. The prior ... they had processed it. But they did not respond to how I ... a coupon had been 'added to your account' but no further ...
Hey there, returning 7sage user here. Why isit required to have the 'LSAC Prep Plus' bundled with the monthly subscription? I don't remember this being a requirement in the past.
... progress, especially when it comes to Logic Games. That is how I ended ... quicker?
2) Isit feasible to still try to take the August lsat ... possible, I would like to take it so I can still apply ... was thinking August but wanted to hear everyone's thoughts. ...
... . I am currently PT-ing around 155 and am foolproofing LG ... scholarship money. My initial plan isto take the October exam. I ... it'll be 2 years since I was in their classroom. Isit ... possible to ask them to write it this summer even ...
... know I've completed the corecurriculum? Currently, I'm on weakening ... the syllabus that specifically states "corecurriculum." I know its L, LR ...
... />
Anyway! My question is, since this is the first time I ... found it a bit too detailed and convoluted. I seemed to be ... feel it's a necessary support to your study prep? Trying to figure ... do you all think? Isit necessary to have those bibles?
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