... to do the bare minimum. @"J.Y. Ping" and @"Nicole Hopkins" both aimed ... were able to lock that score up going through the course ... 's. If you want a score in the 170's use ... for a class the higher score you will get.
A tip @"J.Y. Ping" gave me is to shorten the amount of time you have on a retake, to "make up for" having seen the test before to see a more accurate score. So start with 33, then down to 30 and try to get to 25 on retakes.
@"J.Y. Ping" This helped me to solidify ... I still get an acceptable score on my exam! Based on ... know the reason why my score lands where it does, even ...
... flipped.
> @"J.Y. Ping" This helped me to solidify ... I still get an acceptable score on my exam! Based on ... know the reason why my score lands where it does, even ...
Thanks @J.Y. Ping, i wanna just add that PT 73 knocked my socks off abit and i spent close to a week shoring up the weaknesses it exposed and my average went up
By a 2 points!!!, i owe this all to having a hard PT...THANK YOU PT 73!!!
> @"J.Y. Ping" said:
> @"Michaela.Pratt1" ... offers, to go digital. Fast score release is a logistical hurdle ... prefer paper test and slow score release or digital test and ... near-instant score release?
Hey, curious as to what will be going on with 7sage with these changes... @"Dillon A. Wright" @"J.Y. Ping"
"Sooner or later, you’ll realize that our lessons are just better and you could have spent those thousands of tutoring or in-person class dollars on a boat."