... 155+, I would postpone until June. The one month mark came ... postponed.
Now as June approaches, I am just not ... skewed my score. In the June2007 exam, I have previously drilled ... 't happen between now and June 12th. But I've also ...
This resolve the paradox... just not understanding it in the least. Any help will be much appreciated.
I took the June2007 diagnostic last week and got a 167 on my first attempt. Which PT should I start with if I want to be ready for the September/December LSAT??
Is it better to start with the latest PTs? Any advice would be appreciated!!
I came across a puzzling question while I was answering this ... comprehension question. Just to be clear, my question is more a question ... fit the description of my question that came across my ... of answer choice D of question14). Using conditional logic, it ...
Hello: My target lsat score is 150 and I am planning to take the Lsat in December. Over the last year I studied half of the cc, and then decided I needed extra help, so I purchased the Power score Bibles. Currently, I have not taken any practice or timed ...
Proposition questions: should I approach these like an inference question or a principle question? I've read different things. Example of this question type is PT 82 section 2 question14.
I took this test 4 years ago when I first started my journey. I've failed it miserably and am now here and taking it extremely seriously! I am just starting on the CC and at the point where I just finished learning about BR (amazing) and tomorrow I'll do ...