In Prep-Test 76 the system scored me wrong on S1 Q18, when my answer matches the solution table supplied with the prep-test and other online resources.
How does the LSAC determine undergraduate GPA? I had attended multiple schools from the same system during my undergraduate and have varying GPAs from each. If the LSAC deferred to the GPA of our graduating institution that would be great ?
does lsac need to get all 3 of my transcript before they calculate my gpa? I ask because I am having trouble getting one of my transcript at the moment.
... diag score (shout out to JY's CC and 7sage community ... how to proceed with the prep for June, I now want ... cant think of how to prep and how to PT. Also ... />
Please advise on a prep strategy, after all that rambling ...
Does anyone know how to contact Larry Law Law, the owner of the 0L prep course called (KTCOOLs)? I was wondering if his course was still available. I recall reading a promo saying that it will end indefinitely.