Hi David. I have registered for the webinar. Unfortunately the webinar occurs during my work hours. Is there an option to view a recording of the webinar at a laterdate? Thank you
... letter potentially improve before your laterdate? If so, I would wait ... doesn't put a hard date on the letter or imply ... a date if possible (e.g. "I ...
if you only have until november, you will not fully complete every aspect of 7sage with the time they allot for all items. you will have to either make the lsat a full time job, spend less time on certain aspects, or take the test at a laterdate
... how the average LSAT score is somewhere in the ... different story. How we score on the diagnostic has a ... two and a half months later, my score is basically unchanged. score on something I don' ... twice and/or cancel your score if need be. You ...
... game a week or month later, I realize I forgot some ... , one more time a week later. So, if done correctly, you ... (possibly multiple times) at a laterdate.