Hi! I saw that the Drills and PT pages have been updated with the old/new PT to account for the new LSAT format, but now I can't find the LG drills. Does anyone know where I can find them?
As today is LG's official funeral, would anyone like to say any last words before the sweet chariot swings low? I am testing today, and plan to give them the love they deserve
I am taking the LSAT in August without LG. I'm wondering if the tests that aren't redone that are only 3 sections, will give me a full score after taking them. Thank you!
Essentially just the title, am I supposed to just go through CC, or should I be drilling things I have already covered and going back to things like conditional logic constantly reviewing them.
Can I get better at inference, MBT, MBF, MSS questions through doing the LG core curriculum? It seems LG is all inferences and I would say these types of questions are consistently my biggest time sucks and it's not even close.
... probably encounter a harder RC/LG.
To me it looks ... days with drills in between. Drilling does take mental energy out ... yeah, I would probably start drilling.
Yep, agreed. All sections can be improved, but with dedicated drilling and following these (7sage's) methods, LG can get to near perfect pretty quickly.
... proof strategy" to a perfect LG section. You are timing yourself ... re-doing it as practice/drilling, but finishing all the question ... worst case-scenerio loosely time drilling by not worrying about the ...