No, you wouldn't have access anymore due toLSAC's virtual ban on PDFs. You would've had to have downloaded everything when you first had your subscription. You can find everything for ~$300 or so on
Here’s a linkto tentative schedule: Let me know what you think
one, lsac removed ... submitted a credible challenge tolsac right after the test completed ... and that lsac accepted their mistake. to successfully contest it while ...
... learning is a great way to economize your time and is ... subject area. Here's a linkto the audiobook thread I started ... .com/discussion/#/discussion/3035/audiobooks-to-help-your-rc/p1
... having submitted all your transcripts toLSAC? Don't forget, if you ... to receiving your bachelors, all of those credits count towards your LSAC ... addendum that is short and to the point that explains your ...
... />
I've been training myself to turn my nerves into excitement ... . I get really excited to solve all of the questions ... you so much for the linkto the combining anxiety article. I ... ifs."
@Pacifico has offered lots of good LG advice. I'll try to find you a linkto his older posts. @nicole.hopkins has posted a recent RC tutorial video. I'll try to find that as well. Hang tight and keep up the practicing.
Lady rips apart her answer sheet in front of proctor and leaves before the time is called.
" I don't want it scored"
Real story. I am sure they will report her toLSAC.
A good rule to follow when you're seeking ... test number (or preferably a linkto the video) so that the ... person looking doesn't have to do extra work. It also ... helps to be accurate with the section ...
@nye8870 you don't need to set up an account (and don’t pay for anything!). You only need to be able to attend a meeting. Great question! I’ve updated the discussion with a linkto an FAQ provided by GoToMeeting on how to get connected.
... LOR's and SOP's toLSAC and so on.
< ... br />
LSAC makes a file which has ... etc in it. To make it lsac charges you a fee ... CAS fee. You have to pay Lsacto release it to each school. So ... can of course write to each school to ask for an ...
... it would be really hard to for lack of a ... official complaint after your test toLSAC and there is some kind ... t even think you need to write an addendum for ... outta college doesn't have to deal with)! I think the ... between the lines no need to expalin, you are in ...
... without having formally complained toLSAC is not going to make you look ... I were you is apply to a few more schools in ... . And you should be able to get some merit fee waivers ...
I think an email was sent out with a linkto all those scheduled to attend this morning. I'm not sure if it is still open to additional participants or not at this point.