... conversion table on LSAC's website](https://www.lsac.org/jd/applying ... numeric and letter grades, will LSAC give preference to the letter ... university handles grades vs. how LSAC does might ruin my chances ...
... that "e-transcripts sent to LSAC do not require special handling ... that they use one of LSAC's approved electronic transcript transfer ... -Transcripts sent to AMCAS and LSAC do not require special handling ...
... my schools transcripts just hit LSAC and I'm trying to ... an idea of what my LSAC GPA is. The other transcript ... where to find my actual LSAC GPA. Do I need to ... both transcripts are in for LSAC to calculate?
In Prep-Test 76 the system scored me wrong on S1 Q18, when my answer matches the solution table supplied with the prep-test and other online resources.
How does the LSAC determine undergraduate GPA? I had attended multiple schools from the same system during my undergraduate and have varying GPAs from each. If the LSAC deferred to the GPA of our graduating institution that would be great ?
does lsac need to get all 3 of my transcript before they calculate my gpa? I ask because I am having trouble getting one of my transcript at the moment.