I've been studying for the LSAT for about a month now, am currently testing around 170, and shooting for 175; I'm looking for a small group, also aiming for 170+ scores, to meet with regularly online.
My insta is Meshalf2803. My goal is to get atleast 170+ and I am looking for people where we can study together either online or in person. Please if you are interested dm me.
Hey guys, I just signed up for the November Virtual Course but can't seem to find a way to locate it on the site. Does anyone know where it is? I just paid for it :(
Hey guys,
I have an online study group where we BR together every week (PT146 this week) and also hold each other accountable for goals we set during the week. If you're not already in it, comment your info and I'll add you
Hey guys! I’m starting an online small study group and trying to host as often as I can! Please comment if you’re interested and I’ll add you. It will be on this discord server: https://discord.com/invite/lsat
... for free by snooping around online, but mostly you have to ... a third party, eg, a course such as this one). That ... />
7sage is definitely the best course out here, so I'd ...