... -lsat-share/ and enter the email address of the person you ... else's results, enter their email where it says "Request sharing ... , we can send them an email letting them know you want ...
Hey ! I live in Pembroke Pines, but study at FIU South Campus. I can meet anywhere in between. I would love to have someone to study with! Please let me know!
Hi I am retaking the September 2014 LSAT and I am looking for a study partner around the LA/Pasadena/San Gabriel Valley area. Please email me at sweetcheeks_321@hotmail.com.
Hello everyone!!! I am currently studying to take the LSAT both in December and February. I am looking to start a study group in the Miami area! So if anyone is interested email me at laura.rodr29@gmail.com!!
I am taking the December LSAT. The last lsat exam i scored a 155. I am looking to score in the 160's/ 170 if possible. If you are serious and in the process of taking timed PT, please send me an email. esthera_09@hotmail.com. I also live in Miami.