Anyone have any idea of when LSAC is going to announce what month they are changing to the new test format and getting rid of logic games? I've seen people predict June/July 2024, but how much of a heads up will we get?
... /lsat_explanations/lsat-93-section-4-game-3/ (PT 93 S4 G3 ... /lsat_explanations/lsat-61-section-3-game-1/ (PT61 S3 G1) game is based on a conditional ... faced with an in/out game, I will look at the ...
... it just me that thinks Logic Reasoning is too long on ... LSAT, did you skip through logic reasoning or some of it ... and still have not started Logic Games, should I wait until ... or instantly start going to logicgame? (I am taking the October ...
So I was watching the explanation on 7sage and the person explaining the game said that 1-5 was one game board and 6-10 was another, but idk how they knew to split. someone please advise.
... error, missing inferences, making multiple boards when it proves unnecessary, making ... more than 2-4 more boards, based on how complex each ... or last," then make 2 boards. If you've got something ...
If there ... should find yourself playing more gameboards 'empty' - that is, not ... hesitant to split past 2 boards, preferring to play games empty ... of games boards is a sure sign of your logicgame skills being ...
... the test makers solve logic games. I see logicgame as a misnomer ... name: analytical reasoning. The split-game-boards approach is like a programming ...
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IMO ... Don't worry about "sub-vocalizing."
Yes, sub-vocalizing impedes reading speed, but ... cause for not finishing a logicgame section. Yes, you could ... faster by eliminating your sub-vocalization...and if the ...
@brna0714 , I just used 7 sage. I believe using shapes/underline/sub-notations to distinguish items occurred in a few logicgame videos, though they were never specifically emphasized.
... and taking request. The LogicGameBoards Cheat Sheet is pretty awesome ... a key word for 'Grouping Game Board with a chart' ... words for the 'Standard Sequencing Game board'. This led me ... other examples given on the 'LogicGameBoards Cheat Sheet'?" I think ...
... if you truly grasp that game. I kinda started rambling but ... quite a few pages of logicgameboards now, but I haven't ... specific rule are on a game board.
To be ... get an in-out/grouping game I sort of go into ...
... set or read the discussion boards. I imagine there are a ... to do something LSAT-related. Logicgame or two, RC passage, a ... see it as a challenge/game that can be kind of ...
... to complete each question and game without time constraints? Have you ... that it's a particular game type that's slowing you ... Are you splitting boards upfront when possible? Is your logicgame strong? Are ... not move on to another game until I could hit everything ...
... and check another); seeing the boards I definitely got a little ... “get” a particular type of logicgame, these little motivational talismans you ...
... that could be provided for logicgameboards which itself could be embedded ... go about completing a given logicgame. It might actually require a ... m sorry that that particular game tripped you up. I ... should be using a different game board and debate (more time ...
... have a 173 but a sub 3.0 GPA and so ... 4 copies of every logicgame per the Pacifico Logic Games Attack Strategy ... coherently) I still finished the logic games section perfectly. That ... are disproportionately making mistakes in logic games you should almost always ...
... really look at the master game board ; anyone can spend lots ... go (thereby needing lots of gameboards ) but really look at it ... write some rules down / do subboards but don’t over do ... he sets up the master game board .
... I hit rock bottom with logic games: I first took ... "master copy" of each logicgame that give me even the ... .'s explanation for the game and proceeded to redo ... thru guide) for the game and stapled it to ... was able to envision the game-boards quickly. In turn, these ...
... use prior work in a logicgame for years, and my ... can't keep your old gameboards, you just have to ... drawing a bajillion gameboards in any given game in the ... back. Referring to old gameboards is a crutch of ... that you've mastered logic games, then you shouldn ...
... use prior work in a logicgame for years, and my students ... can't keep your old gameboards, you just have to ' ... 're drawing a bajillion gameboards in any given game in the first ... would be able to redraw gameboards, even complicated ones, for individual ...
... way you can do a logicgame in your head outside of ... , which requires you to make gameboards for some questions, but if ... you can't make gameboards for this test, I'd ...
... . If I encounter a game that catches me off-guard ... would recommend is changing your logicgame process to include solutions game will feel overwhelmed and try ... then you can use the gameboards from the local questions to ...
... . The way JY explains the logic questions and maps out all ... 's subscriptions :'(
For Logic Games, I actually think Nathan ... a hidden gem. It explains logic games in such a simple ... 't have to memorize different game/master boards etc.