... fundamentals because you're still takingtoolong to choose your answer. You ... the fact that I was taking so long on several questions meant ... struggle with the most start taking PT to build your analytics ...
... " that JY suggests first before taking on the harder LR questions ... me. Basically, if you're takingtoolong to answer the questions which ... better for you in the long run.
... takingtoolong on some questions that you shouldn't be takingtoolong ... that question took you toolong. Should you have skipped ... that question that you took toolong in.
... weaknesses. Maybe you are takingtoolong on a particular question ...
... really quiet during section 4 (LogicGames) almost too quiet. My desk had ... 've easily diagrammed all the games without flipping back and forth ...
... />
Have you tried taking a PT in some place ... BRing, it varies how long it takes me but it ... s such a thing as takingtoolong to BR. That's ... also shouldn't necessarily be taking a ton of time ... think that might be taking up too much time, then skip ...
... else above, you aren't too old I PROMISE. However, what ... of "oh no, I'm takingtoolong, I'll be so old ... undergrad and that is cool too. I'm just saying don ... 't put too much pressure on yourself or ...
... indicates either you are spending toolong on the passage or getting ... />
If you are spending toolong on a passage, it indicates ... it out. If you are takingtoolong on the questions it indicates ...
... and wondering if I'm takingtoolong. The second I decide to ... LSAT?
Are you placing too much unnecessary value on this ... a warm up prior to taking a PT?
Are you ... , proper nutrition, hydration is essential. Too much coffee or soda is ...
... I felt like I was takingtoolong to write it all out ... ). As others have mentioned, as long as your method is working ... PT within 24 hours of taking the PT.
... for me: they caused me too lose interest in the passage ... , and so if I focus too much on trying to employ ... I’m definitely reading them too fast. But if it takes ... on questions ; or am I takingtoolong to eliminate the choices ?
... other stuff). I just started taking whole sections of LR and ... any questions that I'm takingtoolong to read the stimulus for ... Before I would just get too anxious and forget all of ... choosing, taking deep breaths when your heart starts beating too fast? After ...