Time: Apr 14 ... />
I know there are several group BR's currently going on ... tackle some of the hardest Logical Games (as rated by the ... meeting.
What's up guys! After finishing the CC, how did you approach studying for the logical reasoning section? What worked? What didn't work? Thanks in advance.
Hey I plan on taking the LSAT in September. If anyone is interested in setting up a study group inbox me. I live in Brooklyn, but work in the city. We can meet in person Thursdays or Sundays or we can Skype or video chat any day during the evening.
This study group is for those who are ... + on the LSAT. This study group will have a schedule that ... have scheduling conflicts, this study group is not for you. Please ...
Is anyone in the Vancouver BC area interested in starting a study group? I usually study at BCIT, but am willing to go to UBC/kits/downtown or to SFU! Studying for July but am also writing in September