I'm located in Oakville, ON and am looking for a LSAT study buddy. I am able to meet in Mississauga most easily. Send me a response and we'll try to figure something out. Maybe once a week?
Non-math major here. So I found out that one of my biggest weaknesses in LR questions is the question type which deals with percentages and averages. I always sucked at math and thinking in terms of percentages and averages does not come naturally to me. ...
... due picking the wrong conclusion (no indicators). This is easy if ... 't identify a conclusion with no indicators. But, you can tell ... quiz set so there's no more practice left through 7sage ...
... I'm confused about how "no" works when there is a ... double negative). The statement reads: "No one who fails to come ... JY's lesson, we isolate "no" as a Group 4 Necessary ...
I paid for my upgrade yesterday (its been about 24 hours) but it seems that I cannot access the Starter level material. I worked through a lot of the free stuff so I have been anxious to start. Does it take a while for the account to ...