... strategies. I write out little low-res on my scrap paper and ... enough. As long as your low-res properly gives you the general ... , or you can use your lowres as a reference for where ... should look. Either way, your lowres should help inform your answer ...
Take the two passages that you struggled with the most from the section and write out lowres/high res, MP, tone, attitude, structure. Then write an explanation for each answer choice.
... the joints, especially with low-res summaries. Different people could ... have slightly different low-res summaries that are all ... , JY usually mentions low-res/high-res summaries in his explanation ... videos. Those have low-res and high-res summaries and would ...
... @austinfauni no problem! The "low-res" should be very focused on ... For example, a good low-res for a paragraph might be ... the paragraph. Something like this... low-res = "abalone experiment" okay, why ... to a high-res, going from my low-res "abalone experiment," ...
... @austinfauni no problem! The "low-res" should be very focused on ... For example, a good low-res for a paragraph might be ... the paragraph. Something like this... low-res = "abalone experiment" okay, why ... to a high-res, going from my low-res "abalone experiment," ...
... another 7sager about the lowres and how I did ... not like writing the lowres and thought it slowed ... be quick about the lowres because i use to ... to reference the passage the lowres will help guild you ... need to write on your lowres 'first example X better ...
I agree with @"Burden.of.Floof", when you begin doing timed sections, it also really helps to do lowres for each of the paragraphs. It helps to track the train of thought of the passage and helps to remember the important things that were said.
I'm finding low-res comes second nature after a lot of practice. Have a handful of key words
(i.e phenom, 180, hypo, additional info) that que you on a particular pattern or structure of each paragraph, or even the passage as a whole.