... CC with a focus on LR, my weakest section. Well, I ... , I still seem stuck on LR. Whether untimed or timed, I ... ? Keep grinding away at extra LR sections to try to improve ...
... the full length section of LR from PT 65 that is ... . (After you finish all the LR lessons). But the questions were ... the test like a normal LR section. Does anyone know if ...
... , I've always gone about LR in a kind of unstructured ... don't actively think about LR in a technical way, like ... some time to seriously studying LR would salve my fears and ...
Hey y'all. I'm scoring -7/-6 wrong in LR at the moment. I'm looking to bring that number down to -3. Is there anyone that would like to go over sections with me?
... on my first LR section and then, if LR shows up a ... -7/-8 on the second LR. How is this possible? Does ... between the first and second LR if it were to show ...
... of 2020 and quickly realized LR and RC were my strong ... always -2 or -3 on LR and -1 or -2 on ... returning devoted to LG, my LR skills significantly atrophied. I've ... -4 to -8 on both LR sections of PTs for the ... WITH A PARTICULAR STRENGTH IN LR IS WILLING AND ABLE TO ...
What is a more difficult feat. Obviously some are more intuitive at RC than others, but for the average student who has difficulty lets say -8 LR and -8 RC.
... at teaching LG, but for LR and RC? Already tried ... 10-12 questions for LR but not so much ... />
My problem with LR is that I go through ... a strong basic understanding of LR but not an advanced ... understanding of LR and therein lies my ...
Hi! I'm looking for a list of LR questions that involve formal logic as well as a list of LR flaw questions that involve sufficient vs. necessity. Thanks!!