7Sage has an LsatFlex Score Converter (https://7sage.com/lsat-flex-score-converter/) where ... likely be scored as a flex.
I think we don ... method by which LSAC calculates flex scores, so what you get ...
... signed up for the August Flex and was wondering whether it ... />
I took the June Flex and wish this 3 section ... the ability to truly simulate LSATFlex test day & LR is ...
I think you do it a week or so before the actual test date. Does anyone's test on LSAC still say their test center instead of LSATFlex? I opted in almost three weeks ago but it's not changing.
To simulate LSATFlex, check the box labeled "Simulate ... The scaled scores generated from Flex mode uses the same methodology ... as our Flex Score Convertor. Because no ... outside of LSAC knows how Flex is scored, this is ...
... HELP: I pressed the simulate flex option on PT 80 after ... (my first time taking a flex)
This sounds ... it, likely because you simulated Flex *after* starting. I've ... website, here: https://7sage.com/lsat-flex-score-converter/. I entered in ...
According to ... predictor of your Flex score. Better than any Flex calculator, ours or ... are curious about what a flex score might have looked like ... for a guesstimate: 7sage.com/lsat-flex-score-converter.
LSAC has on their website that they are not weighting the one LR section to make up for the missing LR section and that every question is weighted equally on the LSATflex. Is this how 7sage’s flex simulator is scoring as well?
I believe that the actual LSATflex highlights the portions of the passages that are referred to in the questions directly by line number for the RC, but I've noticed that the 7sage versions don't. This might be a nice little bonus on test day.
... ; So October is the first Flex that will count toward the ... />
Hi there,
Yes, LSAT-Flex tests after the August 2020 ... toward LSAT testing limits. Therefore, the October LSAT-Flex is the first LSAT-Flex that ... lifetime limits on taking the LSAT.
@mma23a-1 wait what are you talking about? The August LSATflex hasn't even happened yet, and I had no idea that there was even a September 2nd LSATflex...