A few of the schools I am applying to only accept a personal statement and an addendum. Can I use the section for the addendum as my diversity statement? My personal statement focuses more on a specific work experience so I'd like to include other aspects ...
I had a sick parent all through college (diagnosed freshman year) who died in my junior year. I am writing an addendum to explain my 3.46 GPA, how detailed should it be? Should I include every major event that affected my schoolwork or a simple timeline of ...
I'm a non-URM with a 4.0 and a 172. PT average about the same with a few (recent) scores between 174 and 177. Is it worth taking again in November? My top choices are Michigan and Northwestern.
... not to because writing an addenda for your LSAT score might ... do. If you write an addenda, you have to have a ... might be worth writing the addenda. Regardless of whether you write ... the addenda or not, your GPA, jobs ...
Yeah. I guess the michigan drop was inevitable. Props for UCI and UCD though. If the price is right, those two schools could be possible contenders for me. @jdawg113
I've tried to find them online and while I an confirm that Duke is in the top 10 and Michigan is not, I can't find the rest of the info for the official USNWR ranks :/
Also, the "rankings leak" last year turned out to be false apparently... so I'll still wait for tomorrow.. though the Duke Michigan thing squares up with Above the Law 's peek at the USNWR rankings.
Got it from another forum... from the forum master... though he said that this seems accurate with the top 10 peek (which does not appear as ranked on ATL but Duke is there and Michigan is not) so this might be true...