... is setting a deadline and not budging on it. People tend to ... focus more on that deadline than the actual ... test even though they're not ready... That's one extra ... your target score, just focus on improving and you'll do ...
Though it's more ideal to be able to not diagram on those questions, when I have the urge to diagram during timed, I sometimes diagram on the questions by underlining words and drawing arrows to indicate conditionality. Saves time.
If not, consider taking it 1) to ... score so psychologically you're not relying on just December (you can ... "want" but not "need" December if your ... from your target - that's not ideal, but there's power ...
... they consistent? If your not working on getting you BR to at ... done that you should work on closing the gap.
Just ... tests and averaging them will not be as beneficial bc some ... tests play on some of your skills,i ...
... no practice tests, did not release previous exams, and ... the student who did not insist on their parents enrolling them ... Hispanics and Native Americans have not been capable financially, or ... considered acceptable or not, seemingly do not signifiactly put one ...
... from the 170ish is not that big even though ... alarming but it's not something to panic over. ... you were tired, and not fully present that alone could ... you are reading and not focusing on anything, that is a ... light exercise we are not properly equipped to handle ...
... game with employees working on 4 different items and ... past through I did not focus on creating a solid ...
> On my second pass, I spent ... was going on, thus improving my score on the section ...
... d say postpone...it's not something we really want to ... You could get a 160 on an "easier" test no ... s also universally accepted that on test day you should ... figure out what's going on in LR. It seems ... could feel the rust of not working on LR questions for a ...
Yes I generally interpret them as "most", but it will always dependon context. I ran into a really tricky use of the word "often" in a timed section today and I interpreted than as "some".
... wanted to get some opinions on how many logic games I ... that is all going to dependon how long each game is ... 're just starting out. Depending on how long you have to ...