... interacting with the videos. Leave notes; post messages, ask questions. Be ... />
I also highly recommend taking notes so you are in a ... return to 50% of my notes, I know at the very ...
... three subject notebook to keep notes on each section. I may ... not remember all the notes, but studies have shown that ... actually writing notes down reinforces your brain to ...
Are you trying to make notes while in the middle of ... />
I don't make notes at all, but I can ... understand why you would make notes after each paragraph/important parts ... .
You ... RC. So if taking notes are giving your trouble ... do not take notes. Definitely do a low ...
> Should I make notes after reading the entire passage ... wouldn't take any notes. I have a few ...
Have you tried summarizing after each paragraph? Don't write it all out but just make shorthand notes or even just numbering like
P1 - intro to copyright concept, 2 issues
P2 - so and so's VP (disagrees w/ Auth)