Hey @olioliber if your apps are already in then there' ... becomes, however, are **all** your apps in? If so, then you ... haven't submitted all your apps then I'd lean on ...
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> Hey @olioliber if your apps are already in then there ... becomes, however, are **all** your apps in? If so, then you ... haven't submitted all your apps then I'd lean on ... />
Yup, all are in. 20 apps
if the July test is anything like every other administration, then roughly like a month or less, maybe 3 weeks. So no, you wouldn't be applying to schools before you find out your LSAT score, because most apps open up in September.
Plenty of well-qualified lawyers didn't go to HLS. It's disappointing to be rejected, I'm sure, but I don't think it's going to have much, if any impact on your other apps.