Are you allowed scratch paper during the reading comp section of the test? I know you are allowed it for logic games, just wondering if its allowed for the entire thing?? Thanks
I'm taking the lsat in-person next week and was wondering if anyone has any advice on what I should take aside from an ID?
Do i need to bring my own scrap paper and pencils or do they provide it?
How are you guys approaching RC when doing low res? Since LSAT is digital, you can't write in the margins of the passage. Should we just commit to memory the low res of each paragraph? Or are we supposed to write them down on scratch paper?
I have clicked on the Section in the Test and am able to click on Printable. However, I do not get the buttoon to download a PDF version. I am taking the test on Paper and would liike to practice that way.
Is there anyway to print out the drill sets? Reading off a computer screen doesnt allow me to engage as much as I can on a piece of paper. I find myself doing alot better on paper than on a computer.
... took the LSAT test on paper with a scantron. I am ... . I got scheduled for a paper and pencil writing exam. Obviously ... taking the writing portion on paper, or do others with accommodations ...
I have a disability that prevents me from taking the LSAT on the computer.
Why did 7 sage remove the ability to print practice test?
Anyone know where I can find PDFs of practice test?
I'm taking the test remotely and wanted to practice on paper. Does anyone know if/how I can print PTs, and whether I can input my answers so it doesn't affect my analytics?
I am writing the in-person LSAT on Friday. I know in the 10min intermission you cannot write on your scratch paper. Can you write on it during the 1min breaks between sections?
-Not trying to think about not thinking about lsat (inception)
-Trying to find parking in town during rush hour
-Driving uphill after coming at a complete stop in the middle with a stick-shift car
-Trying to read and decipher my old ...