Ughhh THE PENCIL PERSON!!! MY WORST NEMESIS. I had a girl sitting beside me who was going to WAR with her paper during LG section. It was so distracting that I just wanted to yell at her.
If you've got the time, there's nothing like the real thing. Clean copies on paper with pencil. It will take awhile though. If you're short on time, @katherine.t 's method sounds like a really smart alternative. Good thinking KT.
@"bruiserwoods" Once again, it is just a bunch of paper and a pencil. No way it can hurt your or anybody. Just do your best Katherine Hepburn imitation and let your cool brilliance flow over that test.
Everyone is different, I like to use paper and pencil since thats what I'll be using on test day.
BTW @"Cant Get Right" thanks for the nightmare fuel, John Stuart Mill will now haunt my dreams