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While 7Sage lists 19 different flaw types, The Trainer lists 3 ... confused - can the 19 different flaw types fall under these 3 ... Trainer's methods when doing flaw questions?
Hey!! Does anyone have a word document or PDF form of each type of logical reasoning questions with like 20-50 question types of it. I'm trying to make a packet like this to drill and it's taking me forever! Someone have a kind soul..please haha
... refer back to the passage without wasting precious seconds
• ... embedded clause that we read without and then with afterwards
• Marked with an arrow without a stem in the margin ... to conform to the principle/parallel reasoning etc.
b. ...
... :
• Political Economists: The best indicator of economic health is the ... not GNP is the best indicator of economic health
< ... Human Indicators are a better indicator of a nation’s economic ... then you read the sentence without the word in there, then ...
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"In addition to the Logical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, and Analytical ... will believe anything I say without even thinking about it for ...
... to apply the group 3 indicator rule (negate sufficient) and ... treat the other indicator as negation we get: /A ... result by just ignoring the indicator rules and instead understanding them ... />
No dog (D) is without an owner (O).
D ...
... consistently been struggling with the Logical Reasoning section and no matter ... "yup, thats the right answer" without hesitation or self doubt. This ...