As stated above, its dependent on you to request your letters from your recommenders. Once you've added their infoon your LSAC account, go ahead and click the send button. I believe you have the option to request it via email or physical letter.
... to do it is focus onapplication materials during the week after ... Sunday morning. That totally depends on if you're working while ... 's every other day and application stuff on the weekends. Good luck ...
Oh I just did some digging on the LSAC website and they will open up scheduling 9 days before the first exam (Nov. 7) so we should get that infoon the 29th of this month. I found that here:
... . I'm also a parent so on weekdays I study for about ... Saturday/Sunday off or work on PS/researching schools but not ... make sure I'm focusing on what I need to because ...
Does anyone have a strategy on what to do AFTER taking the LSAT. When to start studying again? Things of that nature. I took it two days ago. Not too much infoon this out there.
Exactly same story here! So much disappointment but it's time to move on and make good strategy.
One of the 7sager wrote that LSAT score does not define the potential to be a great attorney in the future. Let's pick it up and rock onapplication.
From what I've read, you're allowed to have a bottle and 5 pieces of scrap paper - you'll have to show both sides to prove that they're blank. There's a lot of infoon the LSAC website about the requirements.
@"JY Disciple" What do you mean that you would have to take the writing portion the same day if you want to take the test in the hotel? I am going to take my LSAT in a hotel and would appreciate the information!! Also where can I find more infoon this?