A lot of people recommend the economist ... a finance/econ major, a lot of their stuff is just ... with those in the top 50) and read a few articles ...
I average and try to hit 4-5 hours a day. Some days that means 3 and others 6, but I average right around 25-30 a week. For me it seems to be the sweet spot where I get a lot done without burning myself out. I usually take Sundays off.
... ) are in my opinion a lot more straightforward than LSAT passages ... wasting a minute or even 30 seconds to look at the ... answer choice. Having the extra 30 seconds tacked on this part ... tell if you do a lot of RC passages - They are ...
Aside from what's already been mentioned, try to make guaranteed selecting correct ACs for SAs and PSAs. Once you've mastered those, 9 out of 10 should take 30 seconds or so, especially a lot of the ones on newer tests.
... 'll spend something like 20-30 seconds upfront to do this ... questions anyway. It is a lot easier to re-read a ... under 4 minutes. Ideally 3:30. This allows you enough time ...