use your email that you guys use from LSAC and click on forgot password. then you will be sent an email that will allow you to reset the password to whatever you want. once that's done, you can login and select a test date. its already open
Just a warning too, when I signed up for my July test through proctoru...LSAC initially sent up the wrong username and password to even create an account to sign up and it was a whole ordeal.
... a ProctorU account, try “forgetting password” with your LSAC login email ... User Login. Then say "forgot password". They will email you a ... link to reset password that you can use to ...
I’m not sure about people testing with accommodations, but I know the time in between sections for those without is 1 minute, and the proctor did not re enter the password for every section. I’d give LSAC a call if you want to put your mind at ease.