If anyone has a PS that is centered around divorce/close family member's death, I'd be glad to swap and offer some insight. My PS revolves around that subject. Go ahead and message me and I'll share email.
... my score is below my personal average, but I am confident ... me pretty attached to this statement/terrified of what in the ... of writing an entirely new personalstatement if I need to reapply ...
... never think of a good personalstatement because my life was too ... />
I didn't think my statement was anything special, but I ... about to make a great personalstatement. So good luck!! And feel ...
Do we really not need to address why we want to attend law school for schools that don't specifically ask for an answer in their PS prompt? It doesn't neatly fit into my PS, but one of my recommenders strongly suggested I include it. ...
Hey I was just wondering for those schools that say they want their personalstatement to be two pages, would they hold it against you if you went a paragraph or two over the two pages?
My essay is about how I overcame insecure instincts that tried to keep me from a volunteering experience. The experience ended up being worthwhile and made me a more confident person.
Here's an issue that an editor friend brought up. While ...
I'm planning on applying to most of the T14, and I have already drafted a 2 page PS. Berkeley, however, has a 4 page limit. My pre-law advisor (at my undergrad institution) said that I should just submit a 2 pager (because it's ...
... to help fine tune my personalstatement and my resume. I am ... I think is a good personalstatement. I just would feel 50 ... this if I knew my personalstatement wasn't a pile of ...