... the updates about changing my photo before the deadline, because I ... uploaded the same photo that I used for my ... 't conform to the 2x2 box (I'm assuming that this ... I can't change my photo, does anybody have any recommendations ...
... />
Hey 7Sagers! Time for another photo contest. ;) Been a while since ... the past. Think outside the box! We love that stuff. PHOTO CONTEST**
> - Make sure ...
... the July LSAT and my photo on my admissions ticket only ... up 75% of the 2x2 box. It's also a bit ... . I am bringing a 2x2 photo of the picture on my ...
... couple questions regarding the new photo requirements for the June 2016 ... our online profile? Does the photo need to be in color ... copy of a passport style photo from drugstores?
Does anyone know where this is? I got an email saying I need to upload a photo to my account and I cannot find where to do this on the LSAC site anywhere. I've emailed them but they say will take 3-5 days for a response:(
... that people should take a photo with them on the test ... . Should I take a printed photo with me for the September ... test or my photo-bearing admission ticket is okay ...
I just received "final notice" about the photo...
Does this happen to you?
Is there some problem in my photo?
Why do I keep receiving the emails?
I deleted the background using the Photoshop, would this be bad?
My photo upload shows most of my face (not the bottom part of my chin) and you can also see my shoulders.
It is apparent that I am the person in the photo but I have heard horror stories.
... having some anxiety regarding the photo requirement. In my opinion, ... employee can confirm that my photo is acceptable? It is ... bring a professionally taken passport photo as well as my ... share their experiences regarding the photo requirement? Is anyone else ...
... government issued ID has a photo of me with longer hair ... expired or anything and the photo was taken last year, do ... admission ticket has a recent photo of me so not worried ...
So I am about to print my ticket for the February 4 2017 test-does it have to be color since my photo is on it? or can i take a black and white? Just wondering, thanks!
Admin edit: No titles in caps, please! Don't yell at me! :'(
... on the recency of the photo? I ask because on the ... LSAC photo guidelines site it only says ... recognizable, and I have a photo I uploaded back in October ... receiving my scores because my photo was uploaded the LSAC site ...
So in all the prep madness, I just now got around to printing my ticket. I now see that my photo is a little bit smaller than the requirement and shadows on my face. I took it with my phone. I'm freaking out. what should I do?
... with a better, more suitable photo. By the time I took ... freaking out that my original photo isn't as acceptable as ... look as much like that photo as I can (I am ...