... you'd be scoring "much lower" under test conditions. If all ... the curriculum, do the drills untimed if need be, and then ... really no reason to take untimed (or kind-of-timed) PT ...
... back pain, and from your post, I can tell that our ... to ameliorate, or even resolve, lower back pain. (If you are ... a month, and thereafter, my lower back pain was entirely resolved ...
... the risk of getting a lower score far outweighed the benefits ... mine. But judging from your post, it sounds like you'd ... outweighs the risk of scoring lower.
Moreover, as far ... people score a few points lower on the real thing than ...
Thanks for your post Daniel. After reviewing this question ... agree that some C is lower in [insert characteristic] than A ... . Since C is lower in [insert characteristic] than A ...
... example, I scored a 155 untimed and my BR on the ... knew and learned from the CC. I could not have gotten ... that BR score without the CC. I should be scoring higher ...
... writing a more in-depth post about this, but I think ... taking while going through the CC is a must for every ... once I returned to the CC and began to take notes ...